VSLive Vegas: Top 7 Lessons From My First Big Silverlight Project

June 13, 2011

I’m catching up on my blogging today and I’m posting stuff that should have gone up a while ago.  A few months back, I did a Silverlight best practices session at VSLive Las Vegas.

Top 7 Lessons Learned On My First Big Silverlight Project

Silverlight is tricky. You'd think it'd be just like writing any other .NET app but there are some things that can really hang you up.

In this session, Ben will show you 7 things that he learned leading his first big Silverlight 4 application. From unit tests and the architectural havoc caused by async WCF to real-world ViewModel tips and "x:Name" code smells -- these lessons will help you avoid a lot of pain on your current and next Silverlight projects.

Here are my slides from the Silverlight session.


-- Trying to figure out your Silverlight architecture?  Wrestling with whether or not to use RIA?  Getting powned by asynchronous Silverlight networking calls?  Trying to port your best practices to Windows Phone 7?  We can help.  Drop us a line at info@benday.com.

Tags: tdd