.NET Core Solution & Project Utilities (slnutil)

March 03, 2023
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Last week I launched the azdoutil Azure DevOps utilities collection. Today, here's another bunch of utilities. This time it's my collection of utilities for working with .NET Core Solutions and Project.

I hope you find them useful.


Got ideas for utilities you'd like to see? Found a bug? Let us know by submitting an issue https://github.com/benday-inc/slnutil/issues. Want to contribute? Submit a pull request.


The slnutil is distributed as a .NET Core Tool via NuGet. To install it go to the command prompt and type
dotnet tool install slnutil -g


  • You'll need to install .NET Core 7 from https://dotnet.microsoft.com/


Command Name Description
rename Bulk rename for files and folders.
clean references Simplifies package references in a C# project file. Mostly this fixes stuff in the EF Core references that breaks Azure DevOps & GitHub builds like PrivateAssets and IncludeAssets directives.
dev tree clean Clean development folder tree. Removes node_modules, .git, bin, obj, and TestResults folders.
find solutions Find solution files in a folder tree.
get connection string Get database connection string in appsettings.json.
replace token Replace token in file.
set connection string Set database connection string in appsettings.json.
set json value Set a string value in a json file.
list solution projects Gets list of projects in a solution.
base64 Encodes a string value as a base 64 string.
validate connection string Validate that specified connection string can connect to SQL Server.
Categories: net-core