Slides & Code from VSLive San Diego 2018: Feature Flag Deployments with ASP.NET Core & WebAPI
I just wrapped up my “Get Good at DevOps: Feature Flag Deployments with ASP.NET & WebAPI” talk at VSLive San Diego 2018. As promised, here are the slides and the code from the talk. (If you’re wondering, yes, I’ve upgraded the code to use .NET Core 2.1.) Get Good at DevOps: Feature Flag Deployments with…
Deploy Entity Framework Core 2.1 Migrations from a DLL
We’ve got a new version of .NET Core and a new version of Entity Framework Core (EF Core). Unfortunately, EF Core 2.1 hasn’t made it any easier to deploy database migrations from DLLs rather than from the source code. (sigh) Deploying EF Core migrations from DLLs is a key feature for DevOps CI/CD stuff —…
Deploy Entity Framework Core 2.0 Migrations from a DLL
(UPDATE 7/5/2018: If you’re using EF Core 2.1, you’ll probably want to read the updated version of this post.) In a previous blog post, I discussed how difficult it is to deploy Entity Framework Core migrations from the compiled binaries of your project. It’s still difficult to do. You might be thinking, “well, why even…
Force ‘dotnet publish’ to publish dependencies using PublishWithAspNetCoreTargetManifest
I ran into a problem today doing an automated build for a ASP.NET Core 2 project and then trying to deploy the output. From the command line, I ran “dotnet publish -o c:\temp\presidents” to build and publish the code for my ASP.NET Core web application. Then I went to the directory that I just published…
New Pluralsight Course: DevOps Skills for Developers with Visual Studio and TFS 2017
My latest Pluralsight course just went live last night. It’s been a long time coming and a ton of work. I hope you all like it. DevOps Skills for Developers with Visual Studio & TFS 2017 There’s a huge divide between software that’s developed and software that’s delivered. DevOps helps you bridge that divide. It’s…
Slides & Code from .NET Conf 2017: “DevOps with ASP.NET Core, EF Core, & TFS2017”
Hey y’all. I did a talk at Microsoft’s .NET Conf 2017 yesterday. The video will be up on Channel 9 soon at this link. DevOps with ASP.NET Core, EF Core, & TFS2017 DevOps is all about software delivery. Create an automated, streamlined path from development to testing to deployment – that’s basically DevOps. Great. So how…
VSLive Redmond 2017: Entity Framework Core for Enterprise Applications
I just wrapped up doing my new Entity Framework Core for Enterprise Applications talk at VSLive Redmond 2017. I had a lot more content that I could have ever possibly covered in 75 minutes. As promised, here are the slides and EF Core code samples for that talk. Entity Framework for Enterprise Applications What do…
VSLive Austin 2017: Entity Framework Core for Enterprise Applications
I just wrapped up doing my new Entity Framework Core for Enterprise Applications talk at VSLive Austin 2017. I had a lot more content that I could have ever possibly covered in 75 minutes. As promised, here are the slides and EF Core code samples for that talk. Entity Framework for Enterprise Applications What do…
Using TFS Build to Deploy Entity Framework Database Migrations with Migrate.exe
In the discussion thread for my DevOps Skills class at Pluralsight, I got a question about how to deploy database changes in a build using Entity Framework Migrations (aka. EF Code First Migrations). It’s actually pretty easy and it all comes down to a tool that comes with Entity Framework called migrate.exe. When you deploy your…
New Pluralsight Course: DevOps Skills with Visual Studio & TFS
It’s been a long time coming and my latest Pluralsight course is finally out! DevOps Skills for Developers with Visual Studio & Team Foundation Server (TFS)! TL;DR — DevOps using Visual Studio 2015 and Team Foundation Server 2015 – How do you do it and why you should care? This course will change your focus from…