How Do You Add New Test Suites in Azure DevOps Test Plans?
In Azure DevOps Test Plans (aka. Azure DevOps’s QA testing tools), Test Suites help you to keep your tests organized. But if you’re looking at your tests, it’s 0% obvious how to add a new Test Suite. Heck! You can’t even tell by looking that Test Suites even exist in the tool. So how do…
The Test & Feedback Extension for Azure DevOps: Supercharged QA Testing
The post introduces the Test & Feedback extension for Azure DevOps Test Plans, highlighting its underutilization in quality assurance (QA) testing processes. The browser add-on helps streamline QA work by supporting task creation, detailed bug reporting, and exploratory testing. The extension is compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems and available for Chrome, Edge,…
QA Testing with Azure DevOps: What are Test Cases, Test Plans, and Test Suites?
Azure DevOps facilitates Quality Assurance (QA) testing with its Test Plans hub, allowing testers to organize their work with Test Cases, Test Plans, and Test Suites. Test Plans act as containers for testing efforts, while Test Suites, which can be Requirement-based, Query-based, or Static, organize Test Cases. This helps in maintaining an orderly approach to…